World’s 1st Green Approved Carpet/Upholstery Protector

Love’s cutting edge encapsulation product that contains anti-stain, anti-soiling properties that neutralize alkalinity residues and limits wicking to carpet. Simply spray on carpet or your upholstery to prevent stains and the browning or yellowing of your fabrics.

EPA/Safer Choice recognition does not constitute endorsement of this product. The Safer Choice logo signifies that the product’s formula, as Tri-Plex Technical Services has represented it to the EPA, contains ingredients with more positive human health and environmental characteristics than conventional products of the same type. EPA/Safer Choice relies solely on Tri-Plex Technical Services, its integrity and good faith, for information on the product’s composition, ingredients and attributes. EPA/Safer Choice has not independently identified, that is, via chemical analysis, the ingredients in the product formula, nor evaluated any of Tri-Plex Technical Services’ non-ingredient claims. EPA/Safer Choice provides its evaluation only as to the product’s human health and environmental characteristics, as specified in the Standard and based on currently available information and scientific understanding.


carpet cleaning service